What is the current young persons / parental relationship? Is there specific parental responsibility?
Does the young person have any difficulties in the home? Please priovide any relevant detail
Is the young person living with parents / family, looked after, or living independently?
Does the young person have a social worker? If yes, please provide contact details
What is the young person’s social care status? IE Full care order or in supported accommodation
Has the young person been heard at MACE? (Multi Agency Child Exploitation)
Has there been any previous referrals to MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub)
Have referrals been completed into National Referral Mechanism / Outcome of Referral
Is the Young Person known/suspected to be involved in criminal exploitation or county lines activity (i.e.: going missing; plugging, running/holding, fire-arms offences, connect, recruiting, bagging, and cooking; money laundering; booking hotel rooms/air B&B?
Is the Young Person known or suspected to be associated with others who are involved in county lines activity or being coerced and controlled?
Has the Young Person experienced CSE, sexual violence and/or coercion, control, or victimisation in the context of CCE and/or gang activity? Gang Association i.e., which gang is the young person affiliated? Please provide as much information as possible
If there is an EHCP in place currently, please email it in the strictest confidence to info@activatebodyandmind.co.uk